
A sustainable civilization of humans on Mars

About 15 years ago, Elon Musk started a rocket company with a single, clear, corporate mission: to create a sustainable civilization of humans on Mars. The company is singularly focused on this idea and many of the people who choose to work there do so because they want to see humans on Mars as soon as possible, if only as a backup to civilization on Earth, where our species is under the constant threat of annihilation events.

Recently, Musk told me he will be “extremely disappointed” if SpaceX has not landed humans on Mars by 2030. More interestingly, he has repeatedly said he could build as many as 1,000 Mars rockets, each carrying 80 to 100 people before 2050. Long before that, probably in the early 2030s, SpaceX Mars rockets will begin delivering colonists to Mars. By 2050, there will be 30,000 to 50,000 people who choose a one-way trip to Mars to begin a new life. By 2050, SpaceX will have the capability to transport 80,000 people to Mars every two years, resulting in a population of about a million by 2075. 

I agree
I don't agree
Jason Azenis Its taken nearly 30 years for ANC to destroy South Africa. Maybey by 2050 all the old corrupt bunch are dead and the young kids have grown up and made changes to everyones benefit and Pretoria will be a hive of productive activity where the streets are safe and everyone is happy..... maybey....
08 Nov 2022
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Marco Anon I'm disagreeing because this actually has nothing to do with Pretoria itself in 2050. I'm disagreeing because this actually has nothing to do with Pretoria itself in 2050. If anything, a plausible prediction for South Africa in 2050 is we'd all probably be using the dollar because the Rand would have become absolutely worthless through years of corruption and unstable politics.
18 Dec 2021
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Lemas Rimisac Yo, fun fact, you can't make any colony on Mars. Look at the news boyzs
06 Oct 2021
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ntokozo dlamini Lemas Rimisac, Its bad news coz the fact is mars condition are very harsh for humans
04 Jan 2022
Yasin Rafizade Hb
26 Sep 2021
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Oleg Latyshev Скорость создания мощных ракет и высокотехнологичных космических кораблей будет существенно опережать скорость формирования надёжного экрана от мощного потока радиации, который встретит землян не только на Марсе, но и на пути к красной планете. Если поначалу желающих полететь на Марс на всю жизнь будет достаточно много, то после многочисленных известий о летальных исходах их число существенно снизится. Если учесть. что 29 декабря 2003 г. УФ-индекс в Андах достиг значения 43,3, и это стало рекордом, переселенцам на Марс постоянно придётся испытывать на себе эту огромную проблему. Житель и гость Дубая, вышедший сегодня из помещения на улицу в 13 часов, испытал на себе очень высокий уровень солнечной радиации – 11. Если его организм давно адаптировался к этому – великолепно. Значит, есть надежда на то, что именно жители Дубая станут первыми посетителями Марса. Но мы обязаны помнить, что быстро вернуться на Землю в случае плохого самочувствия будет весьма проблематично. Будет необходимо ждать следующего минимального расстояния между нашим планетами.
26 Aug 2021
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Paul Johannes Smith Oleg Latyshev, I agree?
27 Jun 2022
Oleg Latyshev The speed of creating powerful rockets and high-tech spacecraft will significantly outstrip the speed of forming a reliable shield from a powerful radiation flow that will meet earthlings not only on Mars, but also on the way to the red planet. If at first there will be a lot of people who want to fly to Mars for life, then after numerous reports of deaths, their number will significantly decrease. If consider. that on December 29, 2003, the UV index in the Andes reached 43.3, and this was a record, the migrants to Mars will constantly have to experience this huge problem. A resident and guest of Dubai, who left the premises on the street today at 13 o'clock, experienced a very high level of solar radiation - 11. If his body has long adapted to this - great. Hence, there is hope that it is the residents of Dubai who will become the first visitors to Mars. But we must remember that it will be very problematic to return to Earth quickly if you feel unwell. It will be necessary to wait for the next minimum distance between our planets.
26 Aug 2021
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YAĞIZ kahraman marsta bir koloni kurmak mümkün ama olmayacak çünkü marsta aynı antartika gibi dünyanın hiçbir ülkesi orayı sahiplenemez olucak ve oraya sadece çok zengin çılgınlar bilim adamları ve robotlar gidicek
24 Jun 2020
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emir yeşiltepe ben 10 yıllık teknoloji ile bir koloni kurmanın mümkün olduğunu düşünüyorum o yüzden katılıyorum
08 Jun 2020
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YAĞIZ kahraman emir yeşiltepe, evet mümkün ama kimse bunu yapmıyıcak
24 Jun 2020
ibrahim barış demirbaş I agree, but I don't think it is possible with 10 years of technology to establish a colony in marches in such a short time.
24 Nov 2019
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YAĞIZ kahraman ibrahim barış demirbaş, bu tenolojiyi insan oğlu iseterse 5 yıldada yapar ama yinede koloni kurmadan önce çok uzun yıllar düşünür
24 Jun 2020
ibrahim barış demirbaş katılıyorum , fakat bu kadar kısa zaman içinde marsta koloni kurabilmemiz 10 senelik teknoloji ile mümkün olabileceğini düşünmüyorum.
24 Nov 2019
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YAĞIZ kahraman ibrahim barış demirbaş, marsta koloni kurmak orada yeni bir canlı getirmektir yani bir kedi bile marsta doğsa mars kolonileştirilir
24 Jun 2020