
2040: Clean water, roads, skyscrapers

Having dealt with landfills, authorities took on water issues. By 2040, waste treatment plants have been equipped with graphene-based filters — now drinking water fountains are available at almost every intersection.

However, this project pales against the backdrop of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. State-of-the-art rail has not only strengthened links between India’s two largest cities but created thousands of jobs for those who live in-between. The government intends to implement an ambitious infrastructure project to build six cities, airports, and logistics centers along the entire length of the Corridor.

The local authorities in Mumbai are finally completing the construction of the Tower of India skyscraper, which was mothballed in 2016 and resumed only in 2034. The real estate market as a whole is undergoing an unprecedented boom. Dilapidated buildings are being replaced by modern apartment complexes to house yesterday’s poor. 

To reduce congestion in the renewed areas, authorities are building dozens of multilevel interchanges and modernizing the public transportation system. Mumbai residents now travel on hybrid buses, and fares have been reduced to ease traffic.

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Ambulance Hanif photoshop work...ha ha ha
12 Jan 2023
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Charissa Thanapreechasakul I would like to say that Mumbai is another economic port of India in Asia or there is another called Indian Subcontinent. Mumbai itself I admit is the richest city of India. It is dusty similar to the capital city of New Delhi. However, now Munbai has begun to develop a lot due to the production of a water filtration plant. It is a great idea, but it is still considered a fairly crowded city. Various garbage and dirt or sand are still there, but not as much as in the past. 我想说孟买是印度在亚洲的另一个经济港口或者还有一个叫做印度次大陆的地方。孟买本身我承认是印度最富有的城市。它尘土飞扬,类似于首都新德里。然而,现在的孟买由于水过滤厂的生产已经开始发展很多。这是一个很棒的想法,但它仍然被认为是一个相当拥挤的城市。各种垃圾和泥土或沙子仍然存在,但没有过去那么多. Я хотел бы сказать, что Мумбаи является еще одним экономическим портом Индии в Азии или есть еще один, называемый Индийский субконтинент. Сам Мумбаи, я признаю, является самым богатым городом Индии. Он пыльный, похожий на столицу Нью-Дели. Однако теперь Мунбай начал много развиваться за счет производства завода по фильтрации воды.Это отличная идея, но он все еще считается довольно многолюдным городом.Различный мусор и грязь или песок все еще есть, но не так много, как в прошлом .
22 Feb 2022
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Vaidya Akash What about rising sea levels? By 2040 half of mumbai will be under water
10 Nov 2021
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Sudarshan Somayaji For Starters, India already has Mono Rail system in it's Metro cities. Rest of the world needs to stop referencing India with Elephants and Dance poses.
13 Oct 2021
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06 Jul 2020
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Oleg Latyshev Paul Weber, After the publication of the article “Climate Change, Pollution and Related Effect in Some Neurological Condition like Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Pathology. A Sociological Neuro Toxicological Analysis: State Of Evidence», our team of authors, consisting of representatives of the International Mariinskaya Academy named after MD Shapovalenko, continued research in this direction. We understand that it is possible to simultaneously achieve a reduction in the incidence of autism by significantly reducing the level of pollution of the human environment, which also leads to climate change on the planet. It is well known that a significant part of the air pollutants are the products of inadequate combustion of fuel that enter the atmosphere. An interesting experience of an ecologically clean city is currently being accumulated in the city of Masdar, Abu Dhabi. However, it has not yet been possible to completely abandon traditional energy sources, even in such high-tech projects. Therefore, our team strives to further expand the range of environmentally friendly energy sources. Our team thinks. that ideologically there should be no limit to the number of terms of success in a given direction, moreover, even if individual energy sources are not yet capable of producing a significant effect. this should not be a reason to stop research to improve their effectiveness. We understand. that not every municipality has a significant free area in order to accommodate numerous solar panels and wind generators. In this case, you should pay attention to the already existing urban areas, which, oddly enough, are also capable of taking on a certain part of the formation of the city's energy system. Our proposal in its technical part is that every square decimeter of the building contributes to the generation of energy for its lighting, heating and operation of various electrical appliances. Solar panels should be placed on internal and external walls, floors of internal premises and sidewalks in the area adjacent to the building, as well as on roofs. Windows, in which electric glasses will be placed instead of ordinary glasses, should also function as solar panels. Although their efficiency is significantly inferior to wall panels, the principle of full use of the building's area for energy generation is maintained, and all components of its structure, regardless of efficiency, are included in the overall energy chain. Electric glasses can completely replace the outer skin of a building, thanks to which the required amount of light gets into it, although some of it will be taken by the electric glasses. Their rather low efficiency is compensated by the fact that they take on part of the energy flow of sunlight. This reduces the natural heating of the building structure. At the same time, electricity for the operation of air conditioners and fans will be consumed to a much lesser extent. Although the efficiency of using electric glass currently does not exceed 7%, this does not prevent the building from being a solar power plant. At the same time, a new research task arises from this: to find ways to increase the efficiency of electric glass, so that not only the building itself, but also the electric cars of its residents can be recharged in the parking lot near the house while the owners are not going anywhere. The second component of energy supply in our project is designed to serve as compact wind turbines installed on balconies, terraces, roofs and any other suitable surfaces. This addition gives rise to the following tasks: Furniture and household appliances in the building are also sheathed with solar panels. Household electrical appliances are designed to at least to some extent meet their need for electricity, and objects in the room furnishings transfer the accumulated energy to rechargeable batteries. The principle of energy efficiency, which is proactively defended by the most caring citizens in the process of discussions with municipalities, organically fits into the functional palette of the principles of conformity to nature and culture. Solar, wind, thermal, biological and other renewable forms of energy are, to one degree or another, already effectively used in the energy supply of a number of buildings in various parts of the world. We consider it our duty to provide the most convincing examples. The energy-efficient Pearl River Tower in Guangzhou City, China, is developed by the Chicago-based Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM). And although it was not possible to achieve the positive energy balance originally planned, this building still consumes 60% less electricity than similar ones in size. The wind not only turns turbines to generate electricity, but is also used in the Pearl River Tower ventilation system [8, 11]. The high-rise 55-storey building of the Greenland Center of the same company is also characterized by high energy efficiency in several respects. According to the Tekhkult website, “the glazed facade of the building is made according to the technique of bas-relief and consists of two types of trapezoidal glass modules, which refract light inside and outside in a special way. In cloudy weather, the tower accumulates daylight and then illuminates the surrounding space with it. SOM representatives claim that the trapezoidal glass façade elements increase the thermal protection of the building and significantly reduce heat from the sun's rays, in contrast to flat glass facades. The ultimate goal is to achieve a 30% reduction in energy and water consumption compared to existing buildings»[9]. Finally, the Bahrain World Trade Center (also called the Bahrain WTC or BWTC) is a 240 meter (787 ft) twin tower complex located in Manama, Bahrain. Built in 2008 by Atkins construction company. In the design of these towers there are air bridges using wind turbines»[10]. Three wind turbines are located one above the other on the bridges between the towers. This risky experiment paid off to give green tech another memorable symbol. We recommend in the coming years to develop and introduce new regulations on energy saving and energy efficiency of buildings in use. According to this regulation, it will be possible to put into operation, at least, only houses with zero energy consumption - 0 kW / m2 per year. And ideally - "active houses", or "house plus energy", which will be designed to generate electricity not only for their own, but also for other needs. An organic addition to a zero-energy home, as well as an active home, is the road leading to it. This fragment of the project is called "The Road to Home" and involves a rethinking of the world's best practices in building roads capable of generating electricity. For example, projects from Solar Roadways, Qilu Transportation Development Group and others should be redesigned so that solar panels are installed between the transparent concrete layer and the insulating underlying layer at the optimal angle of inclination. For each geographic area, this angle will be specific, and will depend on the latitude of the area for which the roadbed is made. In section, this structural layer will be a series of equilateral triangles, the value of equal angles in which will also be determined by the expediency of the angle of inclination of the solar battery for a given geographical latitude. The only thing that cannot be sustained in this case is the change in the angle of inclination of the solar panel depending on the season (for example, from 30-40 degrees in summer to 70 and higher in winter). As we said earlier, the project of an energy efficient home involves the combination of solar panels and wind turbines. This should be the case on the road. This is thanks to the Capture Mobility wind turbine invented by Sanwal Muneer. It is set in motion by the wind generated from cars moving fast along the road. The turbine is lightweight and 1.2 meters tall. It not only harvests the wind but the solar energy with the integrated solar petals at the top) [13]. This information suggests that also wind turbines installed in energy efficient buildings will be equipped with solar panels. It will also be one of the steps from a zero consumption home to an active home. But the existing projects also deserve special attention. Thus, regarding the project developed for the Chinese city of Jinan by Qilu Transportation Development Group, we consider it our duty to provide the following impressive data: “a kilometer section with two lanes can generate up to 1 million kWh of electricity per year. This amount is enough to power 800 residential buildings. The electricity generated is used for street lighting, billboard lighting, security cameras and toll vending machines. In addition, energy is spent on heating the track so that snow does not accumulate on it. The company gives the excess generation to local power grids” [12]. The experience of a number of countries supports our confidence that a new regulation giving priority to zero-energy houses will be adopted soon. According to N. Petrakova, advanced countries are looking for opportunities to stimulate citizens who care about the energy efficiency of their homes: “ In France, owners who insulate houses built before 1977 receive tax incentives. The gain is rather big - 40%. In the United States, the exemptions relate to energy tariffs. Energy companies provide benefits to those who care about the high energy efficiency of their buildings. In the United States and Europe, in addition to financial incentives for property owners and construction investors, there are legislative norms, strict energy consumption standards in building construction, energy efficiency and energy saving controls, and preventive measures for violating these norms»[8]. It seems to us possible to introduce to solar panels, wind generators and recuperators the production of energy thanks to the generator of electricity from vibration [14]. Membranes of such devices can be included in the decoration of walls and ceilings of educational institutions (especially school recreation), stadiums, and concert halls. In our concept, wind has already been presented twice as a source of energy. The third time we mention it in connection with the significant noise that it produces, which means that it can also serve as a source of noise, vibration energy. Such an energy source will become more and more noteworthy as more and more devices are developed that require minimal power consumption. In this case, we are not talking about the transfer of energy over any significant distance, but at the same time it can be fully used at the same place where it was received. Just as cars moving on the road can "recharge" energy-efficient LED traffic lights, so pedestrians walking on the sidewalk can use the energy of their steps (the source is vibration and pressure) to cause the sidewalk or pedestrian crossing to glow. From these advances in modern invention, a new culture of home use can grow. It is necessary to saturate each building with the maximum number of devices and devices that will not be powered from the central power grid, but will be limited by the efforts of residents made at the time of using these devices. The organic totality of the proposed measures is certainly not exhausted by this. Regularly, it can be replenished with new, sometimes completely unexpected sources of clean energy. In this case, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere will not increase; the already existing gases that can create a greenhouse effect can be rationally used like the Irish CarbFix project. Here, pumps pump polluting carbon compounds into water-filled mines to speed up their calcification. The atmosphere is gradually cleared, the mines are filled with a constantly hardening substance, the houses built above the mines stop sinking into the ground. And above the mines, the previously empty land can go into crop rotation or for the construction of residential and industrial structures. But the main thing that happens in this case is the improvement of the planet's population. In particular, the percentage of people on Earth suffering from autism is decreasing. Therefore, we invite all scientists who are not indifferent to the future of the planet to our volunteer team. Literature 1. Solar panels, plastic and no noise: what the roads of the future will be like. URL: (Date of access - 23.07.2019). 2. You've never seen anything like this new green energy innovation. URL: (Date of access - 23.07.2019). 3. Generator of electricity from vibration. URL: (Date of treatment - 26.07.2019). 4. Green and energy efficient: named the four best skyscrapers in the world in 2015 / RBC. URL: (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 5. Samorossenko M. Gardens by the Bay - my favorite attraction of Singapore! The Samoros were here! - Travel portal. Project by Konstantin and Marina Samorossenko. URL: (Date of treatment - 11/19/2017). 6. Balan A. Singapore - a garden city. URL: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 7. Flame Towers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. URL: (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 8. Petrakova N. To reduce heat losses. Alternative energy. Solar, wind, thermal, biological and other renewable energy sources. URL: (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 9. An energy efficient skyscraper with a facade made of trapezoidal modules has been built in Beijing / Techcult. URL: (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 10. Bahrain World Trade Center. URL: (Date of treatment - 21.08.2021). 11. Pearl River Tower is the most energy efficient skyscraper. URL: (Date of access - 21.08.2021).
22 Aug 2021
Kushagr Dubey Things in India may go worst then expected. Hoping and praying for the best
14 Feb 2020
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Oleg Latyshev Kushagr Dubey, Always live in hope for the best! Read the comment above. This is achievable if you try hard!
22 Aug 2021