
A political tipping point on the issue of climate change

Some time in the next few years, there will be a political tipping point on the issue of climate change, after which most countries in the world, including the major emitters of greenhouse gases, will commit seriously to cutting emissions, in line with the agreements reached in Paris in 2015.  They will be supported by most sections of the business community and will achieve cuts rapid enough to hold global warming to somewhere between 1.5℃ and 2℃.

I agree
I don't agree
awesomesauce73 The vast majority of carbon emissions are not man-made. In addition to that, the trees alone on the planet are enough to make everyone carbon neutral. It's just a new way for powerful people to trick you out of your money.
10 Jun 2023
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Viv Rosser awesomesauce73, Time to wake up.
13 Aug 2023
Denisa Dobrican 👍🏼
09 Mar 2023
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Pavel Iuliu Official H
24 Feb 2023
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Efe Sevim iklim krizini önleyecek tek çare şu yoldan geçiyor. gezegenin atmosferini temizleyecek teknolojiyi geliştirmek şart. ki buda iklim mühendislerinin yapabileceği iş
01 Oct 2022
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Alireza S
02 Jul 2022
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Sojib Mahin Right
18 May 2022
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dock O
28 Apr 2022
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Loca Cergy Aaz
23 Dec 2021
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A1000 aaa
23 Dec 2021
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Булавацький Дамiр A1000,
26 Nov 2022
Hubi Alias Kevin Gzd I like your vision. Unfortunately, the reality of climatic changes Vs money is the keypoint. If the climate change is only dealt with individual citizens actions, it's not enough. Global climate changes are due to industrial impacts (factorys, mega tankers). The key is here and is usually not compliant with business. I am very pessimistic...
18 Dec 2021
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Michał Kamionka ddd
13 Dec 2021
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Motivation I most like country is paris. It so beautiful.
01 Dec 2021
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Nseiish yh
15 Nov 2021
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sizoux raphael good
14 Nov 2021
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Amateerasuu ddd
15 Oct 2021
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Adel Ladjadj yh
13 Oct 2021
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13 Oct 2021
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Preap tithperun Good idea
25 Sep 2021
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Huỳnh Ngọc Gia Hân so good
09 Sep 2021
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wilord Good
18 Aug 2021
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Jb Wanhem Ses tro bien
19 Jun 2021
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Marc MAGNON I was born in Paris and I can say this city is becoming a fucking nightmare if you are not a boho/migrant/drug addict
17 Jun 2021
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Tarkan Happens right now. You were right.
20 May 2021
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Tarkan Could be 2021 - 2023
27 Feb 2021
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gueret bonjour
31 Oct 2020
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Numi Ghebu Carbon storage might become a thing, like reforestation, might be able to turn into a massive source of income - employment, these 2 seem to be the true selling points of any future eco friendly technology, if it can take flight, structurally speaking, in face of increased pressure on economies due to overal environmental decay and consequences (e.g. massive environmental refugee migrations, collapse of entire economies, resource shortages)
05 Oct 2020
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Jediah I like it because you pointed out the big issues about climate change.
06 Feb 2020
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Sofia Temnikova ok
05 Jan 2020
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Gaet Bout The disorders caused by the increase of the extreme phenomena linked to global warming as well as the pressure of the populations on the governments and on their choices of consumption will force the governments to act before 2050. Technological evolutions should allow that in 2030 the renewable energies ( hydrogen storage and salt battery) are beginning to become the majority, the end of plastic, short circuits and reforestation will be the principles of government programs in 2030. But unfortunately it will not be enough to maintain warming at 2 degrees .
28 Sep 2019
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Thomas Bdl Gaet Bout,
09 Jun 2021
Gaet Bout Les désordres engendrés par l'augmentation des phénomènes extrêmes liés au réchauffement climatique ainsi que la pression des populations sur les gouvernements et sur leurs choix de consommation obligeront les gouvernements à agir avant 2050. Les évolutions technologiques devraient permettent qu'en 2030 les énergie renouvelables (stockage à l'hydrogène et batterie au sel) commencent à devenir majoritaires, la fin du plastique, les circuits courts et la reforestation seront les principes des programmes des gouvernement en 2030. Mais malheureusement cela ne sera pas suffisant pour maintenir le réchauffement à 2 degrés.
28 Sep 2019
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