
All technology, no nostalgy

Along with an improvement in technology and science, by the year of 2050, people's social interactions and relationships will change drastically. Hardly any book will be available or read; rather than reading, people will prefer to watch or listen. Art and music culture will be completely changed, only rap- and bass-based music will dominate the music culture - maybe techno too, but not so often. Art will be exhibited only in digital form, and the paper-and-pencil era will come to an end. Most jobs will no longer need employment: machines will generally handle the hard work. There will be few languages spoken and most languages will be dead, however people will not need translation anymore - they will be able to speak and understand multiple languages thanks to some special chips. Marriages will no longer happen, and neither will love, family or friendships. People will only interact with each other for specific reasons; short relationships will be based on mutual interests. Emotional void and depression will be common disorders; however drugs will be used commonly as well, and besides, they will be prescribed by doctors. There will be no religion; people will become so realistic and only focus on everyday work. The cinema culture will be 3D based. It will be so realistic that you can actually live the movie. People need less sleep and less food; reproduction will decrease dramatically. A lot of animal species will be extinct, exotic plants and animals will commonly be present in homes. Everything that can be produced will already be produced and nearly everything will be available for humans; we will just focus on consuming. Memory-based disorders will be common, and although nearly all physical disorders will be curable, people will suffer from disorders mentally. Crime rates will decrease all around the world; criminals will be used for scientific experiments.

I agree
I don't agree
tg ft Maybe what you say will only happen in 2250.
30 May 2024
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Ahmet Bayar The best thing is that the topic of religion is over. The generations after us will be very lucky to see that the clergy are unemployed and powerless :)
25 Sep 2023
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Orçun Kırat Ok
16 Apr 2023
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Orçun Kırat Orçun Kırat,
16 Apr 2023
Gökhan Demirok Frankly, I disagree with your some ideas for some reasons. For example, you said something will completely change. In my opinion, most of the people, especially those from Türkiye, are so much dependent on your culture. music, art, marriages, friends, traditional things etc. So I can not believe something will change completely.  But I agree with your some ideas. For example, you said movies will be so realistic. Especially with the 6g or 7g internet, this stivation can change so many things in technology.
12 Mar 2023
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Ahmet Okuma ve dil tercümesi konusuna kesinlikle katılıyorum. Din konusunda ise biraz daha zamana ihtiyacın olduğunu düşünüyorum.
20 Sep 2022
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Falez Iki Fazla ütopik ama gerçeklik payı var
03 Jul 2022
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Emin Bence olabilir
27 Jun 2022
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raneem I really don't find this reaistic, such changes fisrt of all are not possible for such a Turkish society. secondly, 2050 is a very short period for radical changes as the disapearance of paper books!
26 Jun 2022
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raneem I believe that such change is not possible, marriages dissapearing is impossible, especially in a city like Istanbul, people herre keep all their emotions for weddings. When marriages dissapear, families will too, that means most of the people boen will not be living under the rules of a parent, consequently most people not making right coices. This is just predicting that world that time will be emotionless and with no rules.
26 Jun 2022
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Hamza Shahin K
17 Jun 2022
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Hamza Shahin Ok
17 Jun 2022
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Obiwanke ?
31 May 2022
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Murat k
18 May 2022
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Hamza k
17 May 2022
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parisa ok
17 May 2022
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Olevion ok
15 May 2022
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13 May 2022
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mert ok
12 May 2022
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mamam ok
10 Apr 2022
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mamam ok
10 Apr 2022
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Mesut Keskin ok
16 Mar 2022
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13 Mar 2022
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13 Mar 2022
Ahmad Fakhouri ok
10 Mar 2022
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Mustafa Aydın OK
11 Feb 2022
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yarasa boku ok
30 Jan 2022
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ömer keskin Neden girilmiyor
26 Jan 2022
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WutDuFK ömer keskin, girilmeyen nokta burası
03 Apr 2022
Ahmet Ari ok
22 Jan 2022
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Betül Çakır Ok
14 Jan 2022
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Slav King Ok
02 Nov 2021
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Keremcem Küçükaltıparmak I accept ok but so I can't enter anymore
29 Oct 2021
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Dursun Kose Yugfd
19 Oct 2021
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huseyin garip engrossing
18 Oct 2021
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Betül Gündüz cesur yeni dünya en sevdiği kitap olmalı. teknoloji her alana girecek doğru ama insan ilişkilerinin bu kadar saçma bir hal alması pek olası gözükmüyor.
18 Oct 2021
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Yunus Emre Arslan Betül Gündüz, Fahrenheit 451 de olabilir
19 Nov 2021
Semanur Demirci insanlar ne kadar sanal dünyayla bağ kursada sosyallik azalmaz gibi geliyo tabi ki baya bi inan kendini buna kaptırıp gerçeklikten uzaklaşabilir ama sanal evrende arkadaşlıklar kurulabilir dinlerin olmaması da ihtimal ama zannetmiyorum
17 Oct 2021
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NaxMirg ne biçim site lan bu 5 saatte anca giriyor bir şeye kapatın
12 Oct 2021
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Amir Elyasi Good
11 Oct 2021
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Emircan Kadıköylüoğlu Ok
05 Oct 2021
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lSwit Ok
04 Oct 2021
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Muhammed Emin Tezcan nbgfmhf
03 Oct 2021
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brianda hidrogo I agree, I think it is good for science to evolve and everything that has to do with technology and to be able to grow more in that area since it influences daily life a lot.
01 Oct 2021
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Krako Dünya'da olacak şeyler bunlar, kimse de aksini iddia edemez çünkü gelecek bu. Duygular, gerçeklik yok oluyor...
01 Oct 2021
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Yavuz Kergi Comment has been deleted
30 Sep 2021
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metallica fan Cabbar Şahin, doğru
10 Nov 2021
MEHMET YILDIZ sokayım sizin yapacağınız uygulamaya
29 Sep 2021
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MEHMET YILDIZ sokayım yapacağınız uygulamaya
29 Sep 2021
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Onur Aşar ok
29 Sep 2021
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Anita Mohamadi Ooo
29 Sep 2021
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iMessly tm
27 Sep 2021
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yusuf aytas ok
26 Sep 2021
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serhat özaltın ok
26 Sep 2021
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Furkan Yaman Bkkghkjfnö
23 Sep 2021
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Patrick Malcom I like this theory but I think it is a little extreme.
20 Sep 2021
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Kenia Lovera You really shocked me by this news. In the coming years we will possibly live as they mention it but at this moment we only have to long for the things that will happen.
08 Sep 2021
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Dominy Talosyen ok boomer
07 Sep 2021
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mahsa wow
28 Aug 2021
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Dr. Abkar ok
25 Aug 2021
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