
People will know the exact year and cause of their death

Is technology capable of answering one of the most crucial and mysterious questions of human life: when and how will I die? According to the Kaspersky survey, almost half (48%) of physicians believe that it is possible. Professionals do not preclude that medical technologies will become so advanced that they could accurately predict the year and cause of death in just 20 years.

This scenario is not far from reality. The more data – including information about the health and life expectancy of different people – that is collected around the world by various devices and services, the more accurate AI predictions based on this data probably will be. Of course, such forecasts will not be 100% accurate as a person's life expectancy does not only depend on the indicators that can be analyzed.

But does everyone want to know when and how their lives will end? The consequences of such a revelation could be unpredictable.

  • Will it lead to mass depression, as people realize the transience of life, or will we, on the contrary, reconsider our approach to life and enjoy every moment of it?
  • Will people become more health conscious to try and change the prediction, or ‘go all out’ knowing that they have lots of time?
  • How secure and private will such information be and how can we ensure that it won’t be used for blackmail or speculation?
I agree
I don't agree
Henry Perhaps it can be predictable based solely on your overall health, dietary habits and recreational vices but I don't think it could be pinpoint accurate to the day and hour of your death.
21 Apr 2022
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Jason Nope. Do not agree with this. This won't be physically possible, EVER. It's like in the Final Destination films, except if it is something way too obvious and simple to predict or will never be true.
06 Mar 2022
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Jessey Baillargeon wow, a world where we live in similar to death note. I would like to know how I die but not the time.
29 Jan 2022
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Bronson Nah, until the end of the world. Human will never know their death and never cured the death, it's just sci-fi that rich ppl dreaming of. Cause they want live forever, but the truth is. You can't
17 Jan 2022
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Diana Janvier lol
13 Jan 2022
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Brett I don't agree with this. It ignores the probabilistic nature of risk in our daily lives. It is fundamentally impossible to calculate this. Mortality tables already exist to calculate the chances you will die and approximately when based on lifestyle, family history data and, now, genetic testing. This data is used by doctors to address risks facing individuals and populations. This may become more fine-grained as technology improves, and the window may be narrowed for natural risk factors, but broadly, externally generated risks are incredibly hard to predict.
13 Dec 2021
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Nick Vasin What about accidents? Or you mean the viruses of 2040 will be so severe that death prediction will be easy peasy to arrange?)
06 Dec 2021
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aya ouahnanou Philosophically speaking, what's kept humans alive is the knowledge that one day they will die, memento mori, remember you must die, you see people die during your lifetime and that pushes you to make the best out of your life, spoiling this information will make everyone behave crazy, if i know i will die this exact day i will not live to the fullest, i would always want to keep my soul until that day comes, and that my friend in my opinion is a sad life, individually speaking, not as speacies because all our species does with higher life expectancy is consume, nature among other things
24 Nov 2021
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Brendon It's literally a deadline. Mental illness numbers will increase as technology develops.
06 Jan 2022