Massive threats to personal computers will become irrelevant. Most programs will be developed by a small group of large corporations who will take control of not only devices and operating systems, which they design by themselves, but also the entire range of programs for the average user. This will prevent the emergence of a free and uncontrolled market-circulating of third-party program developers and eliminate the possibility of installing malicious code. Freelance programmers are rare enthusiasts barely able to earn a living. Computer attacks won’t disappear, but they will be much more complicated and expensive. It will become more difficult to “infect” a naive user will a virus, but easy to cheat him using fishing or advertising of a fake product. Brand new fields, such as neural network security, will emerge.
Former anti-virus companies will continue to provide security, operating under the same brand names, but their products and services will no longer be visible. Security technologies will be implemented in virtually all things by default: from individual chips to urban management systems. In most cases, these security systems will be hidden from the public eye.
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