With the rapid growth of social media platforms and apps over the past decade and the increase in access to virtual reality (lower hardware costs and growth in platforms), social media will become a fully immersive and virtual experience.
Social platforms and users (all of us) will have a new and improved way to interact with other users. VR technology will be sophisticated enough that users will be unable, or unwilling, to distinguish between Virtual Social Reality and real life. Startups will offer luxuries and conveniences to users who are fully immersed (haptic suits/chairs, nutritional IVs and defecation IVs).
There will also be a sharper divide between the Haves (users) and the Have Nots (tech support and maintenance). All currency will be digital, and users will be able to get jobs and monetize within platforms. They can make new friends, get married, grow their status, and live the life they always dreamed of.
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