The city infrastructure will be built according to a seven-pointed star layout. All high-rise buildings are concentrated in the middle and at the tips. Clusters of mirrorlike peaks house administrative organizations and business and financial regulators, around which low-rise buildings made of light concrete plastic are congregated. All houses are "printed" by 3D construction machines. The rays of the star are lined with rows of solar batteries powering the city. In parallel, the main transport routes stretch along like long ribbons, interconnected by a series of concentric heptagons of secondary roads, creating a weblike structure. Trapezoid-shaped areas between the roads are home to squares, parks, and fountains framed by trees. To soften the angularity of the layout, almost all low-rise structures have rounded outlines. The only buildings that break loose from the general concept are hospitals, airports, railway stations, and perinatal centers. The latter are no longer just places where babies are born, but now resemble schools, where infants acquire basic knowledge. The old education system could not cope with the increasingly complex world, failing to impart all vital knowhow. So now first graders can already read, count, speak several languages, use computers, and know basic programming and other essential skills. Against this backdrop, information security is crucial. Antiviruses have acquired physical form and are implanted in people's blood in the form of nanorobots. Communication technologies will continue to advance. Smartphones will be replaced by info-bracelets and implantable gadgets. Livestock farms will be transformed into clone-production facilities. Hi-tech plants will occupy some of the largest "trapezoids" on the edge of the city. Animals will no longer be killed for meat; instead juicy steaks will be made by the robotics industry. The other part of the city perimeter will be occupied by factories. Demand will surge for highly skilled technicians and engineers, who will be trained at universities located in two of the seven high-rise clusters on the points of the star. Training will be provided in close cooperation with heavy industry. Spatially, the city will become freer and more open. And that will have an effect on its inhabitants’ mood and well-being. High-speed magnetic monorail transport will bring development to different regions of the city in various cultural spheres, creating a positive creative environment.
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