
One world currency

The world will run on one currency – and you will need an identification chip in order to use it. Everyone will be assigned an identification chip at birth, and this will be our new form of identification and currency. You will not be able to purchase or sell anything without this chip implant. This chip will make it more secure and convenient to purchase things in the future.

Life will be easier but, we will lose our sense of privacy.

I agree
I don't agree
ʍυsԲคқɿՈ ცɿʆ૦ע Yes, i always support to the one world order. Despite of, I agree with this statement.
27 Sep 2023
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ʍυsԲคқɿՈ ცɿʆ૦ע Yes, I always support about one world order😍 when it’ll be occurred into the world!
27 Sep 2023
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Jeremy Cole My question is,you submit your body to this and then what? It just doesn't seem fair giving up your God given identity for a sandwich and Netflix. When I sat God given identity I don't mean your name and social security number that the world assigned each of us,I mean your individuality as your own unique difference from everyone else. Just seems like once you submit yourself to this idea,whether it be a chip or neurologist
29 May 2023
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Brett Michael You won't need a chip, everyone will be connected to the neuro network system. Everything will be done that way.
19 May 2023
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ً i love you omar afifi can you be my husband we will have kids
16 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi Good request
03 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi Bad request
03 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi Fuck you
03 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi We do not need a chip , we just need the one currency
03 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi We need no chip , we just need the one currency
03 Apr 2023
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Omar Afifi We need no chip implant , we just need the one fucken currency
03 Apr 2023
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TruthSeeker People say they can't chip everyone it won't work. You wanna know how it will probably work? They are putting the microchip in society so everyone thinks its "nornal" they are saying money is dirty to spread fear. They already have microchips you can voluntarily get. They already have cashless stores. They already have machines to scan microchips. Banks are talking about going cashless. Some countries are 100% cashless. The UN wants to go cashless by the year 2030. When society goes cashless. They are probably gonna have people use debit cards for a few years. Then they are probably gonna say debit cards get lost and they get hacked easy. Then they are gonna say implanted microchips are much "safer" way to buy things and do things.
27 Feb 2023
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Kerri Thornton I think the idea that this is the mark of the beast is interesting. However, I think that the notions people understand of god, of heaven, of hell are wrong. We are currently living IN HELL. The earth is heating up to unsustainable temperatures. There are parts of the world were people will literally die if they go outside because it so hot, in deadzones. The apathy surrounds us, people do not care. The hostility, the hatred, the feeling like slaves to a societal system that traps people with debt. How is this not hell?
09 Jan 2023
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Csiszer Csongor Like in the age of Antichrist will be. No one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. This is what is written in bible.
07 Jun 2022
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Raven Rose Emily Csiszer Csongor, 🖕🏻you're fake Bible it is filled with lies
21 Dec 2022
Raven Rose Emily Csiszer Csongor, 🖕🏻you're fake Bible it is filled with lies
21 Dec 2022
Felipe Gonzalez (Felispace) Raven Rose Emily, your*
11 Jun 2023
Amaechi Henry Ebuka We only live once
12 Apr 2022
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Amaechi Henry Ebuka Let’s welcome the new world order
12 Apr 2022
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Amaechi Henry Ebuka The new world order
12 Apr 2022
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GD-Champ But why aren't they considering the crypto. Yea!, there'll be on world currency but that might be crypto too! (on which the government has least control on). People are becoming more sensitive towards privacy day by day and I don't think taking away privacy is not a piece of cake for a government in 2050 unless we completely go under dictatorship.
16 Jan 2022
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Raven Rose Emily Who cares if it's the mark I don't believe in a fake sky daddy this will make our life more easier
21 Aug 2021
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Randy Lawton Raven Rose Emily, this matches up to what God says to avoid in the Bible. God is real.
19 Jan 2022
Randy Lawton Raven Rose Emily, Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Read full chapter
19 Jan 2022
Raven Rose Emily Randy Lawton, if you're so called god is real prove to t without using scriptures to back it up you religious nut jobs have a mental illness believing in imaginary friends grow up use science to prove it exists unless I thrust my fingers threw his wrist I refuse to believe
21 Dec 2022
Ruth Osaro This is literally describing the mark of the beast. There will be something like this in the future, but i’m urging you, DO NOT TAKE THE MARK.
17 Aug 2021
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Raven Rose Emily Ruth Osaro, who cares there is no god
21 Aug 2021
Randy Lawton Raven Rose Emily, yes there is. God talks about this exact thing in the bible
19 Jan 2022
Randy Lawton Raven Rose Emily, Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Read full chapter
19 Jan 2022
Raven Rose Emily Randy Lawton, if you're so called god is real prove to t without using scriptures to back it up you religious nut jobs have a mental illness believing in imaginary friends grow up use science to prove it exists unless I thrust my fingers threw his wrist I refuse to believe
21 Dec 2022
Raven Rose Emily Randy Lawton, if you're so called god is real prove to t without using scriptures to back it up you religious nut jobs have a mental illness believing in imaginary friends grow up use science to prove it exists unless I thrust my fingers threw his wrist I refuse to believe
21 Dec 2022
Raven Rose Emily Ruth Osaro, if you're so called god is real prove to t without using scriptures to back it up you religious nut jobs have a mental illness believing in imaginary friends grow up use science to prove it exists unless I thrust my fingers threw his wrist I refuse to believe
21 Dec 2022
Michael Brabant It will be tried, because our leaders will insist on it, but it will also fail. The failure is actually inevitable. Why? Because it is merely a digitalization of a failed system that is already lopsided, and relies on countries not weighing it down a single currency. So if it fails at all, then it all fails at once. Think Zimbabwe 2008 on a global scale. Hyperinflation. They now use the US dollar, and at the height of the hyperinflation, a single US dollar (which they have used ever since) was worth 150 billion ZWD. Think Greece right now (has not been under 100% debt to gdp ratio for many years), which is on life support, propped up by (and weighing down) the euro. But they'll insist this takes place. There is no currency fallback if it fails. We go back to gold/silver or bartering.
31 Mar 2021
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tham Michael Brabant, no
08 Jun 2021
Kevin Culli The technology will certainly be there for this one, but there are significant obstacles. One world currency means one world market. Which means either a global (but improved) European Union-type structure, or one world government. Either are possible, but the troubles of the EU show that even with a handful of countries, sharing a market is a hard sell. Digital-only currency will probably be the norm by 2040, I think, which would make it easier from a technical standpoint. However it's more difficult for me to conceive of a single world market for all goods. The other huge obstacle is the chip implantation; some people would certainly accept it if they gained enough convenience and flexibility. But others would probably decline for ethical, religious, or health reasons. A wearable device would be much more acceptable to the general populace, I think.
16 Oct 2020
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Jessey Baillargeon this will definitely happen, it may tak 10 years but the uds is already doomed to crash.
24 Jul 2020
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James Studer literally the illuminati but ok
11 Dec 2019
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Ruth Osaro James Studer, More like the mark of the beast
17 Aug 2021
Jacob S Using the mindset of people today, I highly doubt that everyone would submit to this idea. In fact, there would probably be a large enough anti-chip faction that one currency just wouldn't be possible, at least, not in this way.
06 Dec 2019
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Randy Lawton Jacob S, it will happen like this 200% gurentee it
19 Jan 2022
Nutty Buddy Jacob S, People won't be able to screw things up because of selfishness ( COVID) you WILL or you won't eat. End of discussion.
24 Jan 2022
Rachel Jacob S, I’ll starve. My allegiance is only to Jesus Christ the King of Kings
28 Sep 2023
okan baran yea I age
29 Nov 2019
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