
The era of an emerging post-heterosexist society

Now, in the year 2050, in Western societies there is widespread acceptance of same-sex love and sexuality. Since the early 2000s, public understanding and support for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people and their human rights have soared. We know that human culture evolves. Sexual behaviour is part of culture and therefore it too has evolved - and it will even continue to evolve in the future. We already know, through a host of diverse sexual behaviour surveys, that bisexuality is a fact of life, and that a significant and growing proportion of the population are open to both opposite-sex and same-sex attraction. Taboos around same-sex relations have receded, and many more people are having same-sex relationships, even if only temporarily or experimentally.

The demise of homophobia makes redundant the need to assert and affirm LGB identity. Historically, LGB identities are largely the product of prejudice and repression. They are a self defence mechanism against homophobia and biphobia. Faced with the persecution we have suffered because of our sexuality we’ve had to assert our right to be LGB. Hence the emergence of a LGB identity and the LGB rights movement.

But now in 2050, when one sexuality is not privileged over another in the West, defining oneself according to one’s sexual orientation is no longer necessary. The need to assert LGB rights and identity has declined massively. 

Since no-one cares who loves who, or who has sex with who, the need for a LGB identity has diminished. Nowadays a person’s sexual orientation doesn't have the social relevance and significance that it used to have.

The majority of people, are today (2050) open to the possibility of both opposite-sex and same-sex desires, even if they never act upon them. It is not an issue anymore. 

People no longer feel the need to label themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or straight, because in this emerging post-heterosexist society no-one cares about a person’s sexual orientation. Desire and love transcend now sexual orientation in the West. We are free and equal humans.

I agree
I don't agree
Zuzuk Daniel Este un vis si o dorinta a unora. Socotelile vor fi schimbate rapid prin aparitia Robotilor sexuali, ROBOSEX. In intimitatea locuintei poti cere Robotului EA sau El sa faci se cum vrei cit vrei. Nu o sa te simti rusinat de dorintele si inclinatiile tale sexuale. In societate vor fii dince in ce mai putini copi facuti din relatii heterosexuale si vor aparea din ce in ce mai multi copii programati artificial. Cei programati artificial, vor fi complex programati pentru nevoile societatii viitoare. Noi gindim despre ei ca vor fi nista monstri, iar vor raporta la noi ca la niste primitivi.
13 Mar 2023
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Katja Konrad I think this could be possible, too. But as Rocco said, there will be the others, And it is not only authoritarian states - religions are a big problem towards an equalness too. Nevertheless, I really hope that Berlin can archieve this equalness, for all of us humans.
11 Dec 2021
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Rocco Salerino I see this being possible in western or westernized countries but homosexuality has historically been a boogeyman used by authoritarian states, like in Russia where homosexuals are blamed for many social issues that actually have there roots in the corrupt government.
23 Nov 2020
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Anton_S Hell no
07 Jun 2019
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Max Anton_S, go to hell
02 Mar 2020
Nycrosoft Max, While I do not agree with the original comment, your comment seems even more uncivilized. Why fight even if you have opposing views or one is right and the other is wrong? Try to not let your emotion take control and forgetting that 'us vs them' is just an illusion as we all have something in common: being human. Shouting at each other will only lead to more misunderstanding.
21 May 2020
BenjamintYT Anton_S, This is the most uncivilized comment I've ever read. You'll need to get used to accepting people Anton, if you want to keep up with the world. You'll just get left behind if you cannot.
12 Sep 2022
Charlie Anton_S, You are disgusting.
12 Feb 2023