
Medical Booth

Pandemics, remote work services and AI have changed the common appearance of the medicine. If you feel sick, there is no need to visit health clinics with their numerous cabinets, labs and crowds of other sick people (inter-hospital spread of infections was one of the greatest dangers in previous years). Now you can get basic medical treatment without physical contact to other people: a medical booth approximately the size of a phone booth can help you.

Instead of running to a hospital with your problem, just find the nearest medbooth, or medical booth, on a city map in a special app and go inside. The medbooth can do the initial examination, take various tests, do X-rays and MRIs, and make a primary diagnosis. Then, the booth will connect you with human medical experts via videoconference to help clarify your diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment. If necessary, a robo-surgeon can perform a simple medical operation (like putting a cast on a fracture or sealing a tooth) right in the medbooth under the remote doctor’s supervision.

However, neo-luddites oppose the spread of medical booths and break them. They believe medbooths are used to catch citizens infected with potentially dangerous viruses, like COVID. If a test for such an infection turns out positive, the medical booth does not let the visitor out until a special sanitary transport comes to take the infected person to the quarantine zone. Besides, medical booths are very attractive to hackers. Since the data from the booth is sent via the Internet to labs and clinics, the medbooth becomes a handy entry point for cyberattacks on medical organizations.

I agree
I don't agree
Anthony Abad In my opinion, medical booths Will help people with acute and severe diseases, like acute myocardial infarction, respiratory insufficiency ir traffic accidents because people ir the people near them could go to a medical Booth and this will give them specific information about what to do.
23 May 2023
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Oblivious Glasgow Would disagree with some prediction here, i suppose with the medical booth coming in action we would have by then modified our nutrition intake and our pharmaceutical industry would have updated as well.
26 Mar 2023
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Ying Hei hi
08 Feb 2023
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M00193 I don’t think it will be possible in 2050. May be way later but not now. Also if it is ever happen it willbe something for the poor. The rich will still have their private clinic .
21 Jul 2022
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Jesshua This would be very useful! During a time of COVID-19 where a lot of people are getting sick and mistaking it for other diseases, the medical booths would save a lot of time and even physcial doctor visits needed by others with more serious conditions.
18 May 2022
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Олег Jesshua, kinda yes. But the robo-surgeon part looks a bit too much for me - who will be responsible for the operation? The booth manufacturer company? Well, maybe I am just one of neo-luddites :)
03 Jun 2022
FuzzyWuzzy Олег, i think that if it could get to that point, but put band-aids and that's it, I don't see a robot doing an operation as complex as removing an appendix. Then in the image you can see a hologram of the doctor and I do think we would talk to the doctors but through screens and not holograms.
05 Jun 2022
Олег FuzzyWuzzy, ah, ok, I agree, that is very possible and maybe even in not so far future.
01 Jul 2022
Roman Anthoney FuzzyWuzzy, removing an appendix is child's play compared to some of the operations robots have already performed on the human body. It's almost laughable
17 Jul 2022
Roman Anthoney Олег, I'm from America. Our doctors are worn out daily and siny gu.
17 Jul 2022
Roman Anthoney Олег, I'm from America. Our doctors are worn out daily and siny gu.
17 Jul 2022
Олег Roman Anthoney, robot-assisted surgery - yes. Completely automated one? That`s another story.
23 Aug 2022